Every student at Elton receives care from a teaching director, our principal, and a guidance teacher. No matter what problems the students may have about learning, living, social networking, or physical and mental health, our 3-for-1 care system ensures that every student gets the help they need.
The 3-for-1system takes the worries from our parents and students, and is widely appreciated in the Elton parents’ community.
Guidance Teacher: each student is matched with a guidance teacher from the moment they are admitted to Elton Academy. The guidance teacher keeps the parents updated while assisting the students to make plans for learning. The guidance teacher also plays the role of a parent to provide care and encouragement to students. As a liaison for parents, students, staffs and the school, the guidance teacher paves the way to successful graduation and admission into universities.
Principal: with extensive experience in education and professional judgment, the principal ensures the school is running according to Ministry of Education’s guideline. The principal is responsible for devising and implementing practical curriculum that involves the efforts of all teaching staffs. The principal also connects with the students and parents about daily instructions and guidance.
Teaching Staffs: every subject teacher at Elton is equipped with extensive teaching experience and dynamic teaching methods to deliver valuable contents to the students. Here are our promises:
– Fairness and transparency towards al students
– We support all students, especially those with special needs, to overcome language barrier and psychological transitions
– We maintain our daily communications with students, adjust course outline and teaching methods according to students’ needs
– We utilize all resources to help students realize their creative potentials
– We help our students develop self-assessing skills to evaluate their learning needs and re-adjust their goals